We’ve officially made it as struggling artists on the Struggling Artist Podcast!

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About a month ago, I had the privilege of sitting down (or, well, I was technically at a standing desk) with Trev Allen of the Struggling Artist Podcast, for a long and thoughtful chat about the Roland High Life. Well, mostly. The conversation inevitably dovetails into ADHD and comic book conversations, as tends to happen around these parts.

Now you can finally check out the whole conversation—episode 299, holy crap—wherever you listen to podcasts!

I can’t recall exactly when I first discovered the Struggling Artist Podcast myself, though we sort of get into that question at the top of the episode. Maybe it was one of the many times when our friend Michael Kane (of Michael Kane and the Morning Afters) was featured in an episode? Or hoping to scope out some intel from Anngelle Wood ahead of the Rock & Roll Ruble?

Either way, I’ve really enjoyed the way that Trev gets to many creatives to open up so casually about, well, everything. The conversations are always so candid and raw, and I love the way the show embraces the fact that, hey, none of us are rockstars. Life is hard; let’s get real about it. It’s an honor to be counted among the ranks of artists like Rebuilder, Sammy Kay, Lenny Lashley, River City Rebels, and even the legendary Matt Shearer (Emerson represent!).

As it turned out, Trev was also one of the judges for our set at the 2024 Rock & Roll Rumble. It was nice to know we had someone in our court that night!…even if it didn’t quite go as expected.

Don’t worry, we get into that, too.

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